What if you could detox your body for free? Would you do more of it? Today I’m sharing 5 free ways to detox daily. Is it time to say goodbye to that cayenne lemon mixture?
Detoxing your body can sound like a daunting and expensive task. In some cases, this is exactly what it is. Over the top, pricy and full of unrealistic supplements and tinctures you’ll probably never consume.
Last week over here I talked all about detoxing and the one thing you must know about detoxing the right way.
To give you the spoiler alert, the truth about detoxing is it’s not some elaborate process that only happens when you pursue it once or twice a year. Instead, detoxing is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute process that your body is constantly doing.
In fact, your body does a great job of detoxing if, and this is a big if, we allow it the space and time it needs to do so.
That could possibly mean doing a yearly or bi-yearly cleanse program. In fact, I highly recommend this as it’s a good way just to allow extra room for a boost of healing. If you’re looking for a cleanse like this, check out this program that I created specifically for this purpose. And without any crazy supplements or tinctures required!
But my question today is, what if we could help our body do the daily cleansing? The daily detoxifying? Could we see a major benefit?
Today on the podcast I share 5 free ways to detox daily. Tune in below!
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I don’t want to give it all away in this post, but I do want to provide additional resources to help you on this journey. So while I’m going to give you the 5 free ways to detox daily you’re still going to want to hop on the podcast and learn more details. For now here are the top five and the resources you need to get started.
1. water, water, water
We’re basically a cucumber with emotions. Okay, there’s a little more to us than that. But just like a cucumber, we’re made up of mostly water. In fact, roughly 60% of our body weight comes from fluids. The good news, water is a free commodity. Of course, you probably have to pay for water on your utilities but nearly everywhere you go there is access to water at no-cost.
The problem is that we hydrate and drink water all wrong. Yes, there is a right and wrong way to hydrate well. I wanted to give you some resources to help you out.
- Why You Shouldn’t Drink Water
- Making a Sole
- How to Hydrate for Metabolic Health
- The Essentials for Replacing Lost Electrolytes
- Watermelon Limeade Homemade Electrolyte Drink
2. move your fluid
We’re talking all about our lymphatic fluid. The Lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. But the thing about the lymphatic system is it has no central pump. Which means that we have to move in order to move our fluid.
Tip two to detox daily is just to simply move your body. It doesn’t have to be strenuous but it needs to be consistent and often. I know those silly practices like taking the stairs and parking farther from the door seem insignificant but it adds up. Make movement a priority.
- Lymphatic System: What It Does and Why It Matters
- 10 Products That Will Change Your Health Under $50
3. intermittent fasting
This is one of my favorite health tips, if not my favorite. Just given the ease and practicality of it combined with the massive benefit I would highly suggest you incorporate intermittent fasting into your life.
The simple breakdown of why this is important in detoxifying is that it allows a period of rest for your body and your GI system. This period of rest doesn’t just mean your body is simply slowing down and doing nothing. No, this period of rest actually allows your body to put all of its focus and energy into healing, restoring, repairing and detoxing.
Allowing your body a simple break each and every day from food gives it the space it needs to heal and cleanse. If you’re new to intermittent fasting these resources will be vital in getting started.
- The Science of Intermittent Fasting
- 5 Wellness Trends that Will Change Your Health
- 5 Tips to Change Your Health Without Changing What You Eat
4. sunlight + grounding
I haven’t talked a ton about the power of grounding your body to the earth’s frequency. But we all know the energizing feeling of digging your feet into a warm sandy beach or sitting in the sun to catch a couple of rays. Just like our plants rely on the sunlight for photosynthesis, we rely on the sun for other nutrients needed to produce adequate amounts of hormones and amp up our mitochondria.
Unfortunately, most of us are deprived of this type of energy coming from our earth or simply don’t understand the value. But here it is, just 20 minutes of ground contact, like feet standing in the grass, or laying out in the sun can make a huge difference on your overall health.
They don’t say sunlight heals for no reason, it biologically speaking does. Here are some more resources on grounding and getting adequate sunlight, even in the winter.
- Vibrational Frequency
- Ecotherapy – The Health Benefits of Nature
- Earthing – Five Ways it Can Help Prevent Disease
5. Change Your Mindset
We all know about toxic thoughts, but did you know that those toxic thoughts are biochemically creating a toxic environment inside your cells? I know this is a topic we haven’t spent a lot of time going over, but coming up this summer we’re diving in hard.
Let’s quickly take for instance a negative or fearful anxiety producing thought. That thought is going to stimulate that there is some kind of stressful event occurring. This means, from a turning on of our natural survival mechanisms which begin to release cortisol, our stress hormone, in response to the stressful thought. Cortisol signals to free up sugar stores to be used as energy shifting the entire hormonal cascade off of ‘normal.’
In the short-term stressful situations aren’t harmful, it’s the long ongoing chronic stressors and thoughts that change our hormonal flow, how we digest food, our circadian rhythm, sex hormones and more. Our mind is a powerful tool and one we’re going to dive hard into this summer! Stay tuned.
how to cleanse
Cleansing doesn’t have to be some crazy process. Instead, the best option is just to provide the right environment and space for your body to do the job it was designed. I hope these five free detox ideas get you started.
Of course, you can always take it a few steps farther with doing a complete cleanse. While I don’t recommend you become a slave to such a thing, I do think it is highly valuable to undergo a period and yearly cleanse protocol. Not one that includes crazy ideas and supplements but one that cleans up your life.
From your mindset to your food, work environment, and home life, a cleanse should look at your health as a whole and walk you through how to get this all done. I’ve created a 28-day cleanse called The Simple Cleanse that does just this. Plus it gives you the option to start at three different levels based on where you’re starting from and what you’re looking for.
A customizable program with all the food choices you need! If you’re interested, check it out here. I guarantee results!
If you’re not quite ready to commit to a cleanse, then I highly suggest you check out my free detox guide. It gives you the starting point to making small changes that equate to big results. You can grab that for free here.
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