Could confidence change your health? There is a lot of talk that our mindset matters more than diet and exercise combined. Today I show you 6 ways to have more confidence.
You all know I wheel and deal here in the health space. I collect health information and knowledge like my life depends on it {it slightly does, right}, I dissect it, reflect on it and I even try it out. But what I’m finding more than anything and above everything its less about what we’re doing and more about how we think about what we’re doing.
Let me say that again.
It’s less about what we’re doing and more about how we think about what we’re doing.
Our mind matters, oh does it matter! In health, in weight loss, in happiness, in longevity, and in joy. One of the first steps to get to this place of recognizing the power of the mind is to start practicing and believing body love.
Today on the podcast we have body love expert Jenna Kutcher on the show breaking down her story with turning her body hate into body love. She’ll be sharing how this has helped her overcome the hurdles of losing two precious babies to miscarriage.
You are going to love this show and fall in love with Jenna.
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what about confidence
I’ve been trying to decide if confidence, love, and respect all fall into the same category or are the three separate emotions and actions? I’m still rolling this around in my head {and yes these are the deep life questions I ponder daily}.
While I don’t know if they are the same thing, I do know they certainly all fit together. I believe through research, through looking at life and experiencing it myself that there may be no greater thing we do for our health and happiness than stand in confidence.
Confident in who we are all and all we’ve been created to be. But to get to that place, I think we have to realize that confidence doesn’t come from a number, from our beauty or even accomplishments. That you can be imperfect, successful and happy simultaneously.
But confidence has a way of changing our mindset making it more about belief, about the possibility and positivity. Of course, there is one hurdle that most of us face when finding our own confidence, that is love.
6 ways to gain confidence
Of course, love has to be the foundation because without it we’re left playing the game of human love. But that measurable, conditionally kind of love isn’t what we’re seeking. This love will only leave you feeling hurt and empty. The kind of love that fills you up and gets you to a place of loving who you are is accepting the love of the one who made you who you are.
The love of Jesus is the answer and the first step in gaining confidence.
1. Accept The Love Of Jesus
It may sound cliche but the truth is stated in the Bible, “We love because he first loved us.” The only way to really love is to accept the love He’s given us. His love has to be our deepest root and it is in this all other things stand. Do you really grasp how much Jesus loves you?
It’s hard in a world of conditional love that seems to be measured in appearance and accomplishment. But Jesus love isn’t anything like our human love. His love is and has always been immeasurable, unchanging and never-ending. Once we start to allow his love, accept his love and stand on it we can start to see a shift in how we love others and ourselves.
2. Give Compliments
There’s definitely no shortage of beautiful humans, vacations, and clothing flowing through our brains constantly throughout the day. You can thank social media for bringing you the endless professionally photographed “everyday” people who are basically like the new models of the world.
Relatable, yet just out of touch. They claim to be like us, yet who really has access to a daily photographer? The truth is jealousy is often born of a fear of shortage. You envy what someone else has because if they’ve got it, how could there possibly be enough to go around?
But once we start throwing out compliments, and actually meaning it, it changes our brain chemistry. It takes away the threat of not having enough or being enough and makes you enough because you’re aware of your own self-worth. Start throwing out compliments to others and to yourself and watch as it slowly starts to teach you about how enough you really are.
3. accept compliments
Let’s play a game of “Would You Rather”. First question, would you rather give compliments or accept them? No doubt for most of us, giving compliments is easier than accepting them. In fact, I’d argue that you turn down a least one compliment a day. You may not even be aware that you are.
Stop brushing them off, deflecting and rejecting them. Remember, most often people aren’t just giving compliments for the sake of “being nice,” they actually mean what they say. So take the compliment, not only does it boost your own confidence but it fills the other person up as well.
Instead of giving an argument against the compliment, take it and say thanks. Better yet, repeat in your head {or out loud that you agree, those shoes make you look darn good}.
4. end body shaming
None of us are immune to body shaming. If you’ve never “body shamed” someone else, you’ve most certainly body shammed yourself from time to time. But it’s time to stop. Just stop the negativity, the endless thoughts about how much better you could look if you could just do x, y, and z and instead fill yourself with positivity.
Self-loathing and jealousy aren’t doing anyone any favors so skip the negativity and start filling your mind with positivity.
5. embrace the unknown
It may be easy to live in fear, to stay in your comfort zone but like anything you can only grow from practice and the only way to grow in confidence is to step out. Fear and anxiety often greet you before you can take that leap of faith but once you start to push past the worries and embrace the unknown you will see freedom, excitement, and adventure on the other side.
The good news, even if it fails, you fall short or you run back home, stepping out was the right first step in learning, growing and tasting confidence. The next step is to just keep going and prevent any excuses from holding you back.
6. practice a posture of confidence
They say how you carry yourself, how you dress, and how you introduce yourself define your confidence. So the question becomes, can your posture change your mood? If this is just a bit true, then make every effort to change your posture even if your mind isn’t keeping up.
Dress the part, stand tall, embrace socializing, don’t say “I’m sorry” so much for things you don’t need to be sorry about {that’s a topic for another day} and stand confidently. Your posture does affect your mind and your mind your posture. So you have to break the cycle somewhere and start doing something. Sometimes the easier of the two, mindset versus posture is posture.
Of course, just like embracing the unknown this takes practice and coaching. So the next time you have an interview, you have to go to a new event or even hit up a new gym coach yourself through these steps and just keep going. Once confidence comes it will grasp hold of your life because in confidence you can experience so much more joy.
resources from today’s show
Make sure you follow Jenna on her website and learn more about growing a successful business on her own Podcast, The Goal Digger Podcast. You can also follow along on her body positivity journey on her Instagram page.
Make sure you check out her favorite book, Love Yourself and Heal Your Life. It’s a powerful book in helping you to develop your own confidence.
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