It is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. The air is filled with joyful noise, the laughter of children ripping open their presents, the peace that family gatherings bring. Pure happiness, but this happiness can be sabotaged internally by our own thought process and the lack of love and respect for our own bodies. Wouldn’t that be the greatest gift you could give yourself this Christmas season? The gift of acceptance, of peace, of love for the very thing that carries you through each day? To walk in confidence that a number on the scale, your weight, your size does not define you. It does not value who you are. To walk completely in confidence in the beauty that you are.
Too often we wait to be fully alive, unable to fully live until we have become that certain size, the size you’ll never be. And if you become that size there is always more, something else, that number still defining. You are more than a number, you deserve better. These are lies that fill your mind. The greatest gift you can give yourself is belief. Belief that you are good enough, that you are beautiful, that you are a radiant star. Do you believe it, can you see it, all that you are made of. You are more than a number, can you believe that?
The value of who you are lies within. It is not an external appearance or how others judge you. You are your greatest judge, the one condemning. It is no one but you. Give yourself the gift of peace, fully believing and trusting that you are more than what you’ve valued yourself. You are greater than any number, your purpose is more. Get out of your head and choose to live. To fully live. Don’t miss out. Love yourself!