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It’s finally here!
After months and months of hard work, pep talking myself into this, countless interviews, research and more pep talking, Simple Roots Radio is here and live for your listening ears. I first have to say thank you so much for taking interest in this project and investing ideas, encouragement and motivation to continue.
While it has honestly been one of the more difficult things I’ve done to date, pushing me FAR outside my comfort zone I feel really, really good where things are going to go with this show and I know the information is going to be highly valuable and practical for you.
To me, this podcast is not about getting a bunch of big names on or just talking to fill space. This really is a podcast dedicated to growth. Growth spiritually, mentally and of course physically working to lead healthier lives that can be sustained for life. As usual, my rebellious side wants to come out and twist traditional nutrition advice and just get real with one another. So you can bet we will be doing a fair share of that as well.
Remember good health doesn’t have to be death trap that sucks all life and joy out of you. This life we live is meant to be enjoyed! So lets have a little fun with this, be practical, present wise knowledge and create a life that is as fulfilling as you’ve always dreamt. So here we go, together we’re traveling this crazy journey.
What you can expect
A new episode of Simple Roots Radio will be released every Monday morning. Perfect for you to download and listen to whenever you have time. The shows are going to be a mix of interviews with health experts, success stories from people who have created a healthy life that works, lifestyle influencers, authors, and a mix of solo episodes where I will break down common nutrition thoughts and help transform those into habits that can be achieved for life.
Make sure you also check the podcast feed on Thursdays as I will be releasing bonus shows answering your burning questions in a series of Q&A sessions, interviews with my children (which have gone horribly wrong to this point), conversations for you to place your input on controversial topics and maybe even some advice from the one and only hubs (a.k.a. my husband who delightfully puts up with every crazy idea I have). These bonus episodes are intended to be short yet highly impactful….or ridiculous (we’ll take it one day at a time).
All future episodes, including the bonus episodes, will include a blog post just like this where I will place all links mentioned during the podcast as well as other resources that may be helpful in this journey. In other words, there’ll never be a need to write anything down. Simply go followed by the episode number (ex. to get to all of the show notes. The episodes will also be labeled 000, 001, 002 and so on.
Literally all you’ll need to remember is that 3-digit episode number. As long as you remember that, you’ll always be able to find what you’re looking for.
Ratings and Reviews
In every.single.episode I will be asking you to consider rating and reviewing the podcast. To a podcaster this means everything and by everything I mean literally e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. It is the life blood to the health of the show and what is even better is that by rating and reviewing the show you are making it finable and viewable by others who have never had the opportunity to listen in.
i would be so thankful if you would
rate and review the show
Click here for instructions on how to rate and review the show
I want to make this show what you want it to be. I want it to motivate and drive you to be better, to live healthier and to live life with more joy.
Share with a Tweet
Finally, you can also tweet this show up and share it with your friends. I’ll make it easy on you and create tweetable quotes in advance as well as images you can share on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. So, why not start now?
[Tweet “Looking for a podcast that speaks truth and provides realistic health principles? Click here!”]
In all of this, I really have you to thank. Thanks to you for always supporting, encouraging and trusting in me. For guiding me to places you need to go and standing beside me through every project, crazy idea and now this podcast. I am touched because of you and want to give back everything I have to offer and more through this FREE podcast released weekly.
Make sure you leave comments below with topics you’d like to see covered, people you’d be excited to see on the show and anything else that comes to mind. Be sure to listen to my next episode where you’ll learn how to create lasting change by figuring out what your values are.