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Are you one of the millions of people who are strapped to their water bottle like it’s a part of them?
They keep it in hand as if it is a permanent accessory.
One of the millions of American’s who constantly walk around thinking they should drink more, aiming to drink more because we must get eight-eight ounce glasses of water each day.
All while the water argument continues its warpath in your mind. Water is so blah, so mediocre, so bland and so you find yourself continuously sipping on flavored waters, carbonated beverages and anything and everything but H2O.
The good news, everything we’ve learned about the 8×8 rule is false and so is plain jane water.
The bad news, carbonated beverages and flavored waters still miss the mark.
So how do you know how much you should be drinking and what? Find out here as we uncover another hidden {and yet simple} truth about all things hydration.
Here’s what you’ll learn in episode #031 of Simple Roots Radio:
- Why water may not be the key to your health goals
- The difference between hydration and water
- Why the “8 by 8” rule just doesn’t cut it
- Why over-hydration is a bigger deal than most understand
- The importance of glucose and sodium in your hydration
- The reality of the color of your urine
- How much hydration you can get from just foods
- What gets digested first… fluid or food?
- The best time of the day to drink fluids
- The keys to hydration on your digestion
- My suggestions on how much water you need every day
- What you should be drinking for health
[Tweet “Proper hydration is key to proper cell functioning.”]
[Tweet “Waterlogged cells are not happy cells.”]
[Tweet “Are you too attached to your water bottle?”]
[Tweet “Drinking should be done between meals, not at meals.”]
Links and Resources from the Show:
How To Make Your Own Sports Drink – The Essentials For Replenishing Lost electrolytes
How To Grow and Harvest Your Own Kefir
How To Make Kombucha At Home
My Favorite Beef Bone Broth
Bonus Episode: Warm Lemon Water, Fad or Fact?
Glass Infusing Pitcher
Homemade Electrolyte Sports Drink
Thanks again for tuning into another episode of Simple Roots Radio.
If you have some feedback to share or an exciting shout out on your own personal journey, leave a note in the comments below. I would love to know your reactions to the show and how you’re taking ownership of your thirst and finally living the truth!
Also, we’re aiming to reach 100 ratings and reviews by the end of the month {we’re only TEN away!}. I’m giving away a FREE DRINK to five lucky people who have left a rating and review {<-Don’t forget that part} here. Yes, if you leave a rating and review you’ll be in the drawing to win three FREE KOMBUCHA Live coupons that I will be mailing directly to you! So ENTER here and check your inbox Friday to see if you are the winner!
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