Have you ever questioned how to design a life you love? Of course, the most common way is to set resolutions and stick to it. But let’s be honest, does that work? Find out how to design a life you love right here.
Do you get jitters going into the new year? So many big hopes and dreams and wishes and yet fear that they’ll all come crashing down around you? Or is this just my worst nightmare?
Today on the podcast I talk with Laurie Gerber – an expert in designing a life you love. Laurie is a renowned life coach with Handel Group where she has been coaching for over 15 years.
On the show, I’ll be asking Laurie, the difference between goals and resolutions and how you decide which to set, why it’s so hard to stick to something if positive reinforcement is the key and more. It’s got a lot of information so grab a pen and be prepared to take some notes.
After the podcast, I started pondering some of my own thoughts around the concept of designing a year. Stay tuned in this post to find out my plan headed into a new year.
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the rubber meets the road
I’ve been fascinated by behavior change – mostly because it’s my job and I question it for myself. Why can’t we be people who do what we know we should? It seems so easy and yet is so complicated because by nature we are not designed to be overly “positive” – we’re designed for survival.
Survival often means watching out for danger, keeping yourself secure and avoiding anything that may be too risky. While we can certainly move ourselves to a place of more risk, it doesn’t come without a foundation of trust.
If we don’t have something, security to cling to when we take the next leap when we jump to positivity, what will we land on if it doesn’t work out {see survival happening there?}
As I dug into this in my own life here’s what I uncovered.
I need a savior
Don’t we all – but for real – that security, that hope, the place we can rest our heads at night knowing that even in the leap we’ll never be let go. Honestly, there are a million and one reasons why faith matters in health – I’m learning more and more every day – but I think this is a foundational reason.
We were created to worship – and through worship, I believe that means we were also built to be creatures of dependency. If we weren’t dependent then why would we need to worship? Our bones cry out, our cells respond in true biological fashion to worship.
Knowing this design allows us to take more leaps, more risks and dive into more adventure knowing that we have one who came back to rescue us, one who saves us and one who never lets His people down – that being Jesus.
So as I write goals for the new year, as I respond to what I desire for 2019, I can come in full confidence because of our savior. With this then we can unleash my four challenges for the new year.
challenge #1: Be willing to step into the unknown
It’s easy to write goals and dreams but isn’t it harder to execute? Because we know, while the end goal sounds amazing – it takes a lot of grit to get there. It doesn’t come easily or cheap. There is a cost, but the cost is always worth the gold.
For some of us, we need to be more willing to step into the unknown {mostly because we can trust in point one} but also because success is built when we step outside. Change doesn’t happen by doing the same things we’ve always done and yet wishing for another ending.
Sure, it may not work, you may not lose the weight, reach financial security or even make relational progress. It may all “fail” but how do we know unless you try and even more isn’t failure a part of growing – maybe even the best part?
Take the leap, jump into the unknown and pull up those bootstraps. Go marching in.
Challenge #2: create space to reflect
We know, the ways of the world have been to put your head down, work harder, longer and with more hustle. But what’s different now than 20 years ago is work never leaves you. It’s always with you tucked inside that smartphone that has a permanent placeholder on your body.
We no longer have an escape – a place of solitude – quietness to get away from it. It’s there and ready 24/7 making the pressures more than demanding as ever.
Which means it’s our job to create space. To set things down and find time just to be. Solitude breeds creativity and productivity so make space as you design your year daily.
Challenge #3: create your rhythms
The entire objective of this mini planning series is to create rhythms. Rhythms are the natural flow of your everyday life. Some call them habits, but I think rhythms are different.
Rhythms are a continuation of who you are. They’re your daily life – your norm and a reflection of your values.
Rhythms, unlike habits, then become things we don’t have to think about but we do. Again being who we are. They also then are more achievable and more attainable. Start with small, simple changes or additions to your daily life.
It’s a small list of things you do daily – no questions asked and even if you stay in your pajamas all day.
It could be daily rhythms like:
- Drinking a warm glass of lemon water every morning
- Eating one piece of fruit a day
- Praying in the shower, while you make coffee, in space
You get the idea – tiny little things that don’t drastically change your schedule, that doesn’t take up much space and yet fit tightly into your norm. These are rhythms, and we can use them as leverage in creating a nourishing life. We’ll dig more into this later.
For now, think up some natural rhythms and ones you’d like to add.
new goals
To pull it all together we have to know that it’s not just about setting new goals, about making massive life changes – it could be. But 99.9% of change happens in the small everyday choices, and that often starts with the story that’s in your head.
So know your story, unleash your fears and step out in a new way. You never know the adventure that awaits and the joy is found there. Little things add up, and I think you’ll be amazed at just how quickly change can happen.
you need this
Trying to take control of your life, get organized, start meal planning? Are you tired of the same old system and looking for something new? You NEED to get a Nourished Planner. It’s the one tool to help you get more done in less time, live with more adventure and find health along the way.
Of course, I’m biased, but this was created to find something that was realistic and yet attainable in creating life patterns that work. I promise, if you use the Nourished Planner it will change your life and allow you to live more of it!
Learn more about the Nourished Planner and get your own.
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