Learning how to reset your hormones is just as vital as changing the oil in your car and needs to happen about as often as you clear the lint trap in your dryer.
Both are critical to prevent the build-up or dry-up {or whatever happens when you drive with bad oil} that causes everything to combust into flames, leading to doom.
the good old days
In the good old days, when people weren’t as stressed, tired and overworked, our bodies reset naturally nearly every single day. This happens when we sleep and not try to steal precious hours sneaking in some extra TV time or work time.
Deep sleep is like hitting the reset button.
I’m going to use a really nerdy analogy here so my apologies are in advance.
Your hormones are like the software system in your computer. If you’re like me and never shut your computer down for months on end then you know that the longer it’s been running, even on sleep mode, the slower and slower it gets. In fact, programs can crash, hours of work can be lost in a blink of an eye {I know this all too well} and it can just refuse to work.
All until you just shut it down for a bit. Every once and a while you have to allow it those few moments to reboot.
That is exactly how our body works. It just needs a reboot, for you to hit refresh to get the software running smoothly and efficiently again.
reset your hormones
The natural ways to reset your hormones include all the ways you can give it a break. Here are a few examples:
- Sleep: Allow your body to get adequate amounts of sleep per night that you wake up feeling revived. We’re talking real sleep, deep sleep, out like a baby sleep. Having trouble? Check out this podcast.
- Rest: Stop pushing your body to extremes in exercise, work and busyness, and instead replace some of those hours with relaxation techniques; have a morning routine, journal, take a hot bath, focus on steps rather than intensity.
- Detox: Get rid of the excess chemicals, additives and preservatives in your life. This could come from foods, drinks, cleaning products and beauty products. Clean them up and you’ll be sure to clean your body up.
- Emotional Healing: Every cell in our body has emotional receptors. That pit in your stomach is biologically having an impact. Practice emotional healing through prayer, journaling, reading and maybe purging your social media accounts {hey, it just needs to happen}.
To sum it up, the best way to reset your hormones is to stop beating, pushing, or trying to outsmart your body and simply give it a break. Take a breath, put a smile on your face and relax. Your workout isn’t going to make you slim no matter how hard you work.
The easy way to reset your hormones is to jump into the life-changing program Reset Your Hormones in 5-days. The program focuses on enhancing all of the natural ways to reset your hormones, because we know when your body is on board it always works out.
5-day hormonal reset
I wanted to give you an inside look at what a typical day on the 5-day hormonal reset looks like, because who wants another strict diet, starvation tactic or strategy that runs their life? No one.
The Hormonal Reset was not created for any of this.
Instead the purpose, mission and passion with this program is to help you understand your body so you can start working with it instead of against it. So you can write a new story where your body is the hero and not the villain and everything happens just a little bit easier.
It’s as simple as a quick restart, refresh jump starting everything to a new way of life.
The focus of this program is on sleep, rest, detox and emotional healing. Here’s a day in the life.
Reminder, the reset is intended to be molded to your life, your desires and your culture. This example is just a glimpse of how I do it, but this can look different for you. Remember the only way to make it work is to keep it realistic. The program lays out the starting points, the things to focus on, questions to think about and from there you create something that works for you.
day one
I start my day by following my morning routine. The same routine I always have but I skip on intense exercise and opt for a morning walk.
Morning Routine:
- 5:45 wake-up and drink a glass of warm lemon water
- 6:00 complete a 45 minute walk interval {1 minute fast, 2 minutes slower}
- 6:45 shower and get ready for the day {using safe beauty products}
- 7:15 drink my takesumi water {similar to activated charcoal} <- optional on the program
- 8:00 eat breakfast
What I ate for Breakfast:
- Big bowl of fruit salad with cinnamon and nutmeg: 1 green apple + 1 cup fresh berries + sprinkle of cinnamon + nutmeg
- Sweet Potato Hash with Chunky Pesto + Wilted Spinach + 2 Fried Eggs {all prepped ahead}
Continue with normal working day.
What I ate for Lunch:
- Time = 12:15 pm
- Sautéed Asian Slaw topped with Cilantro + Sunflower Seeds
- Mixture of Mung Beans + Quinoa as the base
- 1/2 cherry protein smoothie {1 cup water + 1 cup cherries + 1 scoop protein powder + 2 scoops greens powder}
Continue with normal working day + mom duties.
What I ate for Supper:
- Time = 5:00
- Fiesta Bean and Rice Salad Bowl + shredded chicken
- finished 1/2 cherry protein smoothie
Nighttime routine:
- Read for one hour
- Take a hot bath or shower
- Plan ahead for the following day
- Gratitude Journal
Go to bed by 9:30-10:00 pm
You might look at that and think there is no way!?! Plus, why aren’t you snacking and why are you eating meat!?! These are great questions so let me try to answer some and put to rest your hesitations.
Why are you not snacking?
One big hormonal influencer in our body {also one that is not often talked about} is leptin. Leptin regulates energy intake and fat stores. Through this it also regulates our hunger and fullness signals. For many of us, we have what is known as leptin resistance. Our body no longer responds to the levels of insulin leading to unknown hunger cues, out of control eating, intense cravings and an increase in cortisol.
The best way to fix leptin is to eat less often and make more emphasis on quality meals when you do eat. Simply eliminating snacking can change your cravings, decrease hunger and increase satiety. It may sound opposite but it could be the answer you are looking for.
Is meat required?
The program actually advises little meat while you are on the program. Animal proteins, while highly valuable are also more work for your body to break down, in time leading to more stress. As this program works to reduce stress on your body, one way we do that is through limiting animal proteins. So yes, meat is still allowed, but is to be limited.
Meat is not required and there are options for vegans and vegetarians relying on other sources of protein like mung beans, chickpeas, quinoa, brown rice and vegetables.
I have no idea where to start?
In the hormone reset, I lay out exactly what you could be eating every meal, the recipes to cook and how to prep it all in advance so throughout the five-days you just have to grab and reheat. Not only through eating but I provide a daily focus to help with your emotional state and allow you to relax.
It’s a total life change and everything is laid out clearly in the program. Don’t worry, even beginners can do this. Not only is it only five days but I don’t use any odd ingredients {other than mung beans which hopefully will become a norm in your life}.
Are supplements required?
I give supplemental options to help enhance the reset and revive your hormones but none of them are required. You can experience great benefit from the diet, emotional healing, extra sleep and relaxation changes alone.
How is this different from the simple cleanse?
They are really quite similar. Health Made Simple is longer with more of a focus on habit change and creating a new way of life. The Hormonal Reset is more focused on jump starting your software for the quick pick me up. Both are critical, valuable and can create huge changes. I recommend doing the simple cleanse one to two times a year as an overall fresh start and the reset once every other month as a quick pick me up.
In both cases you can learn how good you can feel and should feel. Through this hundreds of people have made changes to last a lifetime. You can consider it guided motivation and encouragement to help you change the way you do health and fully live life.
Not to mention both programs you have for life!
hormones out of whack?
Tired, sluggish, groggy, moody, depressed, anxious, struggling with PMS, low libido or all of the above? Check out my free one day hormone reset which walks you through a quick and easy program that can help your hormones get back in check. It’s the quick solution to reset your hormones helping you to feel more alive in just one day.
Sign up below to join me on this journey to knowing you, uncovering a the real you and helping you to live with more energy than you knew was possible.
Don’t forget to e-mail me or leave a comment below with any further questions or concerns.
don’t go at it alone
Enlist a friend, spouse, sister, mother, brother or neighbor to jump on board with you. This is always easier when you do it together creating a community of people who are striving for something more. They say you are just like the five people you spend the most time with, so enlist an army and let’s create a new wave of health together!