Photo Credits: Instagram @tiffrizer
Menstruation is an unspoken reality in every woman’s life at some point. Yet the issue of safe and natural feminine hygiene product options are rarely discussed. In some cases this could be life changing. So let us take care of that today by sharing some natural menstrual products that work and why you should make the switch.
Because we need the flow to be in control, am I right?
Before we break down my top natural menstrual products and try to convince you to make the big and scary jump to the other side, let me tell you why you should.
stop using tampons
I’m just going to be blunt and come right out and say it. After researching, experimenting and talking with countless women on this issue I can assure you if you read no further, tampons are extremely dangerous and in some cases are making PMS symptoms, PCOS, endrometriosis and fertility issues worse.
I know no one likes claims {who am I kidding we all want to know right?} I have read about people who switch to natural menstrual products and found their period regulated, their PCOS symptoms lessened significantly, endometriosis lessened and fertility issues were cured.
Yes, people struggling to get pregnant became fertile by simply making one little switch.
I don’t say this lightly or to make any promise in your own health story, but what I am saying is no matter what you are or aren’t struggling with, I think as a woman you owe it to yourself to keep reading and seriously consider natural menstrual products.
the facts
First lets note that the contact area of our vaginal lining is a part of our largest organ system, that being our skin. An interesting fact about our skin is that it is our largest organ and also our thinnest and most permeable. This means whatever comes in contact with it will at some rate get absorbed directly into the blood system.
Some would argue that chemicals you put on your skin {including in your female parts} are worse than if you would just ingest them. This is due to the digestive system’s strong and powerful force of breaking down and killing harmful chemicals.
When we talk about being thin and highly permeable, some suggest that our vaginal area contains the most delicate and thinnest skin making it even more absorbable than other places. Why?
Vaginal tissue is lined with permeable mucous membranes which protect the body from bacteria. However, they can also easily absorb or be irritated by other chemicals. These vaginal membranes are filled with blood vessels, which allow any chemical they are exposed to, to be easily absorbed into your bloodstream.
Studies have shown that hormone chemicals, like estrogen especially, will be absorbed vaginally at 10-80 times the rate that the same dose would be absorbed orally. This leads us to believe that the chemicals that are laced in and on traditional menstrual products would be just as quickly absorbed.
the chemicals
We could do an entire separate blog post about the chemicals and toxins inside tampons and pads. However, we’re going to keep it pretty basic.
We don’t have an exact list of what is actually inside these products due to the fact that they are labeled as “medical devices” and are not required to disclose ingredients.
What we do know is that they contain harmful chemicals, pesticides and herbicides {from the cotton}, bleach {making them the bright white} and a lot of plastic. In fact, conventional sanitary pads contain the equivalent of about four plastic bags. With everything we know about plastic chemicals this causes great concern.
Not to mention, they also often contain fragrance, highly toxic secret absorbent material and harbor bacteria including different forms of strep.
Strep leading of course to the fear I’ve had for years about toxic shock syndrome.
what this means
Toxic shock syndrome is obviously an infection that has leached through your thin vaginal wall and is now flowing through the bloodstream. This syndrome is also highly dangerous and frightening, requiring immediate medical attention.
However, if we follow along these same lines, we can start to understand why so many women have relief from PMS symptoms as well as other fertility issues. Whenever we insert highly toxic chemicals into a very sensitive area we are bound to cause hormonal imbalance as well as mass amounts of inflammation. Decreasing both can then help your body flow {no pun intended} naturally and reduce all symptoms.
my personal story
Without going into too much detail, because no one cares or cares to know, I can tell you my experience. Immediately, my PMS cramping, nausea and headaches went away. While I still have minor cramping, I mean I can slightly feel it on the first day of my cycle, it doesn’t slow me down.
I don’t need to reach for the rice bag and I certainly don’t need pain meds. This is big news considering I used to be out of commission for the first day of my cycle. I’m talking migraine, vomiting and intense cramps I often say were worse than labor. Now I don’t want to say that only changing my menstrual products changed everything.
Of course my lifestyle choices and diet started the process and of the main reasons I created the 5-Day Hormonal Reset that changed everything for me, but this change was definitely the cherry on top.
the ticking time bomb
All of this leads us to believe why some label feminine hygiene products as the ticking time bomb of a woman’s body, holding the key to continued healing. Not to mention this is such an easy fix.
Slightly scary, mysterious and confusing sure, but I promise once you once you go natural you’ll never go back.
So let’s go explore the options. I’ll also try to help ease the worry and anxiety that I know is very real. Truth be told, not matter what you’re first experience with a natural product may take you all the way back to your very first cycle. Confused, wondering how to use a tampon, if it will ever come out… I’ll leave it at that.
I promise these work, are safe and the best natural menstrual products on the market!
natural menstrual products
There are few but mighty natural products on the market. Personally I’ve experimented with most of them. Hands down my favorite is the menstrual cup. But it is good to have a few on hand for different moments like travel, etc.
Menstrual Cups:
Menstrual cup like this Diva Cup {I use and love} is made of medical grade silicone and shaped like a bell. It is flexible and worn inside the vagina during menstruation to catch menstrual fluid. Plus, it can be worn for 10-12 hours and is suitable for light to heavy periods.
The menstrual cup also holds at least one full ounce, which is twice as much as the most high absorbency tampons.
This is probably going to be the scariest of the products {I don’t blame you, I was terrified} but it is extremely comfortable, safe and it actually works for the full 10-12 hours. I can assure you that once you use a menstrual cup it is extremely uncomfortable to switch back to natural tampons.
Don’t be alarmed, at first it is a little messy but you quickly catch on and it keeps you clean and dry without worry. Here are brands I recommend:
- The Diva Cup for those who have not had children.
- The Diva Cup for those post child birth.
- SckoonCup
- The Moon Cup
The Natural Tampon:
Of course unlike regular tampons, natural products are bleach free, organic and do the same job they always do.
There is one form of natural tampon that is rarely talked about. It is non-drying and biodegradable so you can reuse for up to 6 months. This is called a sea sponge {which is officially the worst name for a tampon}.
Sea sponges are plant-like organisms that grow in colonies in the ocean. By nature these are very soft, absorbent and compress easily. Not to mention they are free of additives and synthetic fibers, gentle on the skin and contain naturally occurring enzymes that inhibit bacteria and mold.
To use you have to moisten before inserting and then remove and rinse when full. Again, just like menstrual cups they have a bit of a learning curve.
The most popular sea sponges are:
If you are totally disturbed and judging me at this point, hang with me. If you want a more traditional option I recommend these brands which provide non-toxic, natural and chlorine-free options:
The Natural Pad:
I’m not going to alarm you with this one and just stick to traditional yet natural pads. I mean you can do the cloth option but in my stage of life that just seems like a lot of work.
So here are a few more traditional options:
Period Panties:
Take that in for one moment. Period panties are a real thing and people swear by them. I’ve never tried them but wanted to showcase another option because I’m slightly desperate to get you to change this simple habit. Period panties are antimicrobial and moisture-wicking panties which are to be used as backup to tampons or a menstrual cup.
Here is a brand and where to learn more:
your footprint
Of course we didn’t get into the sustainability of these products and your footprint here on earth, but if we break down the numbers you’ll quickly realize how these natural products {especially the menstrual cups} significantly reduce the load on the environment, not to mention put the cost into perspective, saving you thousands upon thousands through the years.
Just to give you the numbers:
Drumroll please….
An average woman uses 240 tampons per year with an average menstrual period of 40 years making that 9,600 tampons in a woman’s lifetime.
There is a footprint.
fix your hormones
I know I mentioned in this post how beneficial this natural switch to safe menstrual products helped balance my hormones. If you too are looking for additional help to get rid of acne, lose weight, reduce your PMS, feel better, regulate your cycle and increase your fertility, I would encourage you to check out my 5-day hormonal reset. I can promise HUGE changes and a regular cycle can be made in five simple days!
I know five days doesn’t sound like much so I’m giving you a one day reset to try. Experiment with it and see what a difference just one day can make. To get the one day reset and take back your own flow sign up below.