I don’t know about you, but I love a good Q&A post. Most of the time it’s because other people ask questions I probably never would but always want to know. I’m so grateful for those people because it brings to light issues so many of us question but never seeks answers too.
Well unless you call the google doctor legitimate answers?
Anyways, today on this special episode of Friday Five in Five, I break down my five most asked questions. It’s quick, fun and insightful to say the least. So make sure you check it out and follow along below to get a little extra help and resources to those most-asked questions!
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Inside the show, you’ll learn what I think about keto diets and if you should jump on the diet? What is most important, diet or exercise and is the pill killing your libido.
We also dive into two questions I’ll answer briefly here.
bowel movement problems
How often should you really be having a bowel movement? And is it dangerous to skip a few days?
I always say, what goes in must come out and if it isn’t coming out then it’s staying in. While that is a little graphic, the truth is, we need to be having daily bowel movements. This is one of the most critical detoxification pathways.
Bowel movements are used to get rid of waste including; nutrients the body doesn’t need, viruses, parasites, bacteria, toxins and more.
Plus, your bowel movements tell you a lot about your health. From the color, size, consistency and how easily it flows, these are all indications of how healthy your body is and/or what things you could work on.
need help
If you aren’t having a daily bowel movement, you need to find out why. While it could be medications or excess stress, diet or hydration stats, there a few things you can do to help yourself out.
I recommend by starting with your diet. Here are some good questions to ponder:
- Do you have a food sensitivity?
- Are you eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables?
- Do you feel like you digest your food well?
- Are you drinking adequate amounts of water?
Outside of this, there are a few other things that can be beneficial in helping you go number two:
- Movement – Take time every day to be active. Remember your digestive system is controlled by one big muscle. Movement, in general, can help stimulate this. Aim for 30 minutes of movement a day.
- Get a Squatty Potty – It sounds crazy, but the position you sit while going to the bathroom can make a difference in the ease in which it flows. This simple tool can help elevate your legs to the most natural position.
- Magnesium – This is a natural and necessary nutrient most people are deficient in. It often gets called the relaxation nutrient. Not only can it help you to mentally rest, but your muscles as well loosening up your digestive system and preventing constipation.
body odor problems
Body odor is something that nearly everyone has at least dealt with on some level at some point. While we may always struggle with it, it definitely doesn’t have to be a concern. In fact, bad body odor can also be a sign of poor detoxification, excess toxic build-up or food sensitivities.
One of the best ways to overcome body odor is to detox your body. Or at least provide the right environment for natural detoxification. In this post, I give you all the answers on getting rid of body odor the natural way.
need help
Your armpits may seem like they serve no other purpose than sweating, they actually carry a great number of purposes. Your armpits house numerous lymph nodes and even lymphatic ducts, they help keep your body cool and are prime dumping grounds for detoxification.
The best way to overcome body odor is to cut back on toxins, including in your deodorant and undergo a little detox of your own. Try switching to more natural deodorants, giving your armpits a break and taking care of them the same way you would your face.
My deodorant recommendations are:
- This Primally Pure natural deodorant has changed my game. I only apply it once a day {including a full 24-hours} and I no longer smell.
- I also like this Norwex deodorant, although pricey it tends to be a better option for sensitive skin.
- Primal Pit Paste gets a lot of great reviews. While I liked it, it just wasn’t at the top of the list.
If nothing else, skip the antiperspirant, and just use some coconut oil with a dab of essential oils.
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