First ask yourself, have you ever meet the resolutions you’ve set? Don’t worry if you haven’t, 80% of others haven’t as well and that 20% is most likely a stretch. At least in the way we know resolutions. Today we’re going to uncover why you should stop making health resolutions and what to do instead!
Photo Credits: @Phoebe Lapine
You may be like me, no stranger to goals and resolutions centered around health and following the latest fads in an effort to ditch sugar, carbs, eat more fats, do more resistance training, really just seek anything promising to bring any hope of change.
Sometimes I don’t even know why I feel this pressure to create such things when they’ve never worked in the past. Not to mention, do we even have a desire to get healthy in this way or do we just think we should?
I’m going to go out on a limb for a second and say, deep down I really believe that more than just a quick fix, we want lasting health. Of course, none of us want to have to work too hard at it but find something that conforms to our life. Unfortunately, nearly every diet and exercise plan out there is anything but that.
While we wait for our cell phone to hold some magical power that when you hold it against our abdomen that melts fat like a hot knife in butter, we do have something we can do. This something isn’t just another strict plan or program, but a way of life. Or at least a challenge that can test the waters safely into transforming our way of life.
That’s why I’m so excited for todays podcast, which is a deep dive into creating your own wellness program. You’re very own unique and focused plan just for yourself!
Today I’m interviewing Phoebe Lapine, author of The Wellness Project: How I learned to Do Right by My Body, Without Giving Up My Life. We take a deep dive into her journey, how you can start your very own personal wellness project and so much more. Listen now!
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end the fight
One of the most critical components I had the privilege of talking with Phoebe about was owning our unique bodies. Without this, we are stuck in the trap that there is an all-or-nothing approach, a right, and wrong, a set of number constraints all to which you measure your worth.
But at the end of the day as Phoebe states, “If you’re stressing about what you’re eating all the time, no amount of kale will make you healthy.”
The problem with diets is they forget the most important aspect, your values. This leads to us just beating our body into submission to reach a certain number or size all for the sake of dieting.
But when you choose to stop fighting your body it can stop fighting itself. Then and only then can you step into this harmony of respecting, trusting and listening to your body, yes own your body, and nourish it accordingly.
own your body
Easier said than done, I’m well aware. To own those curves, excess pounds, stretch marks, sun spots, cellulite and whatever else you’d rather not see in the mirror because at the end of your day your body is pretty remarkable. I mean more than remarkable, it’s downright amazing.
What’s even more amazing is that it has been bringing you life and energy from the time you were still in the womb until now. The problem is when we forget or maybe not even forget but try to override that intricate system.
Remember, your body is never out to get you. It isn’t the villain in your story but the hero. We just have to learn to let it shine and that starts by owning your body in all the imperfect perfection that it is.
You can start by accepting where you are and begin the process of understanding your body. Listening to it, recognizing it and responding in love. I can assure you love doesn’t come from counting every last morsel of food you’ll eat nor does it come from stuffing your face with Cheetos.
Instead, it comes from balance, which has no exact coordinates either. Rather, balance is simply what works for you and makes you feel good. The process of uncovering your own balance takes time so be patient, soon enough you’ll see it for all that it is.
live your wellness project
Maybe this year you are wondering where to start. Maybe you’ve tried it all and done it all and you’re still here. Or maybe, you’re fearing where you’ll end up and are desperate not to go there. Maybe you just really deep down desire to be healthy.
No matter where you are, meet yourself there. Don’t conform yourself to anything that you aren’t or anyone that you’ll never be. Be you, own you, embrace you. Once you do that then you can start to see health, your health for what it is and make a plan to move forward.
Enter your own wellness project.
This is health as you see it. The desires you crave.
Inside the podcast, we dive into how to create your own wellness project. Phoebe even explains what she did from what worked to what didn’t.
From there, just begin by writing down desires you have in health. Those things you know are nourishing to new experiments you’d like to try. Then put them into practice one at a time allowing space to really experience it. Keep building and building and building continuing on the journey to reach the healthy life you desire.
I’ll leave you with the words of Phoebe, “You can’t make healthier choices until you know what choices are healthy for you.”
Choose to know yourself this year!
learn more
You can learn more about Phoebe Lapine at her website Feed Me Phoebe. Make sure you grab your own copy of Phoebe’s book The Wellness Project.
If you’re interested in learning more about creating your own wellness project check out Phoebe’s guide to creating your own here.
For more inspiration follow Phoebe on Instagram and Facebook.
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