Health was once placed inside the box of diet and exercise, but what we now know about health is that it is an intricate working of your body, soul, and mind together into a harmony of nourishment. Unfortunately, mental health in the focus of fostering, nurturing and healing isn’t as common of topics as mental health illness.
We know that more people than ever in the history of the world {or at least documentation wise} are struggling with some form of mental illness. In some cases, it’s debilitating in others it’s completely hidden. That is the struggle with mental illness, it’s unique and individualized, making it hard for so many people to even grasp.
Not to mention the stigma and shame often associated with mental health illness make it difficult to want to admit there is a problem and get help. It’s not as easy as heading to the doctor for symptoms of strep throat or a stomach bug. It’s layers of deep emotional pain and heartache that ebb and flow.
Today on the podcast we have Trisha Hughes who has opened up to us about her own journey with mental health illness and what drove her to seek help. It’s deep, raw, vulnerable and healing all in one.
I don’t know where you are, whether fighting your own mental battle or not, I think all of us can say that in one way or another we’re affected by it. That is why I appreciate Trisha being on the show to bring light to the difficult subject, offering hope and life that comes through seeking help. Even better is how she finds joy in the midst of it!
You’re going to want to check out this episode, taking ownership of your mental health. I can assure you, you’ll leave changed.
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the benefit of a checklist
Whether you are fighting your own mental health battler or not, I think there is no arguing that we should all take care of our mindset. Through my own battle with anxiety, I’ve learned that being proactive with my mental health is always better than being reactive.
For me, this means having outlets to turn to when I feel a spark of anxiety or depression setting in. As my mom says, “Depression and anxiety are slippery slopes. Once you enter the negative mindset, it’s hard to get yourself out. So, the quicker you can recognize yourself going there the less likely you will be to fall down that hill.”
With that advice and knowing how quickly the negative thoughts can set in, I’ve created a checklist of ways to pull me from that slope and re-ground me. While I’m going to give you some of the ways I re-group, I want you to think about making your own checklist. Things you can turn to, that are easy and convenient for when the need strikes.
my mental health checklist
1. take a self-care break
I’m always a proponent of self-care as a daily practice, but when the anxiety sets in one of the best ways to regroup is take a break and practice self-care. You could do things like; take a hot bath, pick up a book, walk into a yoga class, sit in a sauna, take your dog on a hike. Basically, whatever fills you up, do that.
2. move
They say the greatest benefit to our brains and mental state may be movement alone. In fact, making exercise a part of your normal routine can help beat the blues because there’s nothing some endorphins can’t fix. Remember, it doesn’t mean it has to be intense. A light walk can be just as valuable. Take note of how your body is feeling and do what feels right.
3. get creative
Between feeling stuck and overwhelmed, it can be hard to wrap your mind around moving forward. But finding a hobby or a creative outlet can be valuable in resetting your mind, clearing space to move forward. Maybe you pull up a “pin” you’ve been wanting to do, grab an adult coloring book {or one of your kids} or take a painting class. Stepping outside of your ‘normal’ can be calming and relaxing.
4. practice gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most essential ways to change your negative thoughts back to positive ones. In fact, our minds like to rely on the black and white, when rarely if ever is life that clear. Most often it’s the grey area which throws our negative thoughts into a tailspin leading to anxiety and depression. But this simple act of giving thanks and remembering what you’re grateful for can help pull you back to a closer reality. Start a gratitude journal and keep it running.
5. establish a daily routine you love
Decision fatigue is a common problem with those suffering from mental illness. Learning to make fewer decisions every day opens up your brain to see reality in new ways. It’s freeing, stress-relieving and necessary. By creating a daily routine, a normal, you take the thinking out of life and it just becomes something you do. Of course the most important of all is making sure you make it enjoyable. One way to begin is by creating a morning routine. Learn how here.
6. reach out
I’ve found this to be one of the most challenging but also the most rewarding. Of course it’s hard to admit life is a struggle and your mind is less than positive. But the connection alone, even if nothing is said can increase a hormone in your brain called oxytocin {the love hormone} that naturally creates positive energy in your mind. When you’re having a bad day, call a friend, take a minute to vent and then reconnect on life. Never underestimate the power of letting go of your emotions and allowing someone to help you work through them.
7. get outside
We all know how healing a little fresh air can be. Even in the dead of winter, just 20 minutes a day in fresh air can heal and revitalize not only your body but your brain. Grab a coat, a dog, or both and hit the streets for a little walk, run or just some basking in the sun. My goal is 20 minutes a day.
8. organize a brain dump
If your brain tends to run in a million different directions, it can become exhausting. I often fear forgetting a thought or an idea and I get frustrated when my mind becomes a chaotic mess that I can’t remember what I’m supposed to do next. One of the most freeing things mentally has been allowing myself to clear my brain. To undergo your own brain dump, take out a sheet of paper, set a timer and write anything and everything that comes to mind. Organize those thoughts and save what needs to be saved. Now you’ve cleared space to breathe again.
9. play music
Sing like no one can hear and dance like no one’s watching. It might be ugly {that’s my story} but it gets the blood flowing. When you’re feeling stuck or blue, turn on some of your favorite tunes and let it rip!
Pray, pray, pray and when you can’t let someone pray for you. The Word of God is our sword and shield against the spiritual battle happening in our minds. It’s real, it’s exhausting but it doesn’t have to defeat you. Of all the tips I share, this is the VITAL lifeline to healing, fostering and restoring your mental health. Pray, speak the truth, read the truth, meditate and remember that what you feed those thoughts is how they’ll grow. Feed them positivity! The only hope is the blood of Jesus. Cling to that.
create your own
Of course that is my life-saving and mind saving checklist. Whether you’re struggling with mental health illness or not, everyone should be nourishing their minds. It’s vital to health, life, and joy. So my challenge is to create your own checklist. Click here to print a download that will walk you through.
Once you fill in your own checklist, keep it with you, put it in your planner and go back to it when the negativity, anxiety, and depression come rushing back in.
So take a few minutes, fill it in and keep updating it! Make this a part of your own health journey.
As always, I’d love to see your own checklist! May we encourage one another to create their own by snapping a picture of yours and posting it on social media. Make sure you tag #simpleroots so I can follow along!
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