One of my favorite shows of the year is the up and coming wellness trend expectations. There’s something so fascinating about where we’ve come and where we are going. Like last year – I think things are looking good.
Although with the self-care trend that we saw make waves through 2018 it’s evident that we’re a people who can take things to the extreme. Taking something good and making it stressful. Like the need for self-care to essentially become like a spa in your own home full of bath bombs, face oils, massage machines and so much more.
Whenever something becomes stressful, it’s no longer healthy.
That’s why I still promote self-care but in a way that works for you. Even if that is just a bath with straight H2O and nothing more, if it doesn’t work for you – most likely you won’t do it long term, and that’s where we bring in my number one expected wellness trend of the new year – creating your own health-style.
I’ll talk more about this on a later podcast, but mostly I hope that we can learn more about our unique bodies and combine that with our current lifestyle to make a “health-style” that works for you. Sure, it will still take discipline and small change – but overall it fits you, and that’s what matters most.
I could go on forever about that, but for now, I encourage you to check out the podcast and get the predicted wellness trends of 2019.
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trends for 2019
There are quite a few trends for the new year – predictions, new diets, and gadgets. But I’ve narrowed down the list to my all-time favorites in hopes that these do make a comeback.
1. Body Positivity
We’ve seen this make headway on the news, in books and even on Instagram. With companies like Aerie running campaigns to feature all body types and beauty marks. Of course, Dove could be one of the first companies to start such a trend – but how needed after an era focused on photoshopping images, stick thin models and numbers.
Body positivity is in, and I don’t think anyone can deny how awesome this is. To develop a love for the shape that you are, the marks that your body contains – even stretch marks and to start to promote respect for all of it.
We know out of love comes respect and out of respect comes healthier choices. So let the love flow.
2. Epigenetics
Genetics are all the rage and rightfully so. Ten years ago getting your genetic code read would have taken years and today you can snag a 23 and Me test for just $49. They estimate in the next few years – it will be free.
While the controversy exists, I do feel like genetics has allowed us to learn about the individual uniqueness of all of us. It has taken away the box and helped us understand that our environment plays a critical role in our health.
The study of epigenetics is how your environment, diet, lifestyle, and mindset interact with your genetic code determining how it is expressed. While we can’t change eye color, what we do know is we can improve the health of a cell – how we lose weight – and more through this.
Epigenetics is on the rise, and in the coming years, I expect we’ll understand some pretty cool things.
3. Adaptogens
I’m going to say that adaptogens made headway in 2018 – more so than expected. But I think adaptogens are going to expand from the extra-crunchy crowd to the everyday person just looking for basic health.
Will they become a pantry staple – possibly? Certainly, you can expect to learn more and more about the capabilities adaptogens have to better mood, reduce anxiety, increase libido, provide energy and more.
Of course, without all the extra side-effects. Trust me; you will be learning a bit more from me as well. But for now, here are some of my favorite adaptogens.
4. Sleep
Finally, sleep is in the news and maybe not in favor of what you hoped. But the queen essential health trend of rest could be the most critical thing you do.
In the past, the word hustle has overtaken our sleep cycles, and the 24/7 access to the internet has created a monster. Now more people than ever are running on fumes – more impaired by lack of sleep than drinking and driving.
In the past, we’ve looked at sleep deprivation as a sign of success. But what we know – it’s killing you. Maybe not today or even this year – but it known that just missing a few hours of sleep consistently can take years and years off your life.
I dare to say we’ve encounter nothing more dangerous for your health than lack of sleep. But if you find yourself struggling to sleep, check out these posts to help you sleep deeper:
- Sleep Better with Dr. Michael Breus
- How to Lose Weight While You Sleep
- How to Sleep Better – My 7 Best Tips
5. Fascia
A tissue layer nestled inside our skin layer that is most famously known for cellulite. Do I have your attention now?
Fascia, which is a thin sheath of fibrous tissue enclosing a muscle or other organ has been getting a bit of its own attention. A culprit in cellulite – like I mentioned but also pain, autoimmunity, restlessness and more.
There are a lot of reasons to keep your fascia healthy, and you can expect more and more information on this. But you’ve probably already seen some everyday tools to help break down the fascia. Here are some of my favorites:
- This Fascia Roller to smooth our bad fascia.
- A foam roller – which is cheap and simple.
- This massager is a little more expensive but without any work – plus it feels amazing.
honorable mentions
While those are the top five wellness trends I’m excited for in the new year – there are some honorable mentions. More tools that I feel could change your health. They have mine so I can’t fail to mention them.
Infrared saunas are one of the best tools to heal your body at a cellular level. We talked about epigenetics – this is it — a change in your environment impacting the DNA at a cellular level speeding up healing, rejuvenation and giving you an extra dose of energy.
My brand of choice will always be Sunlighten. I feel they have the best technology to date and the source all of their materials to be made in-house. Plus they’re giving you $200 off your purchase with the mention of my name {ALEXA} at checkout. Check out my favorite Sauna here.
Plastic-Free Lives
No-wastes weeks have been trending, and it boils down to our massive use of plastics. That’s why it’s predicted that we’re a generation moving back to plastic-free lives. The good news it’s been made easier than ever with silicone products, beeswax, glass water bottles, and reusable lunch bags.
Here are some of my plastic-free convenience products.
- This water bottle is my all-time favorite.
- If you’re looking for a thermos I’m a big fan of this one.
- Skip the plastic baggies for these Stasher bags.
- Instead of clingwrap, you can use this all-natural alternative.
Laser treatments are on the rise and while these used to be just for clinics, at home lasers and light treatments options are revving up. Now it’s easier than ever to purchase a laser and reap the benefits. Again working at the cellular level.
I want to know
All of this can seem overwhelming. You may even be thinking, “great – more things to work on.” But at the end of the day – if you do none of this real food, whole living and nourishment always win out. Every single time.
You don’t need any fancy gadgets or tools because real change happens in every day – in the simple. Just stay focused on that, and you’ll make huge strides.
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