I thought I would play off one of my recent posts, The Best Meal Planning Tips for a Busy Cook. Tip number six was to create themes. For instance “Meatless Monday” or “Taco Tuesday”. This takes the thinking out of meal planning and it also provides your family with a consistent and dependable meal plan. Well, our new theme on Fridays is now “Flatbread Friday”.
After the development of the delicious, crisp, flavorful, Garlic Herb Flatbread, I thought it would be fun to take that and mix it up with a new pizza-like flatbread every week, because I just lllloooovvveee a good slice of pizza. Well that is if I could eat it, WHAH! We used to do pizza on Fridays and then well you know, the research came out with the news of the devastation gluten has on ones body. We did the elimination diet and sure enough we felt fan-diddily-tastic without gluten in our diet. So there was pizza Friday no more.
That is until now. Drumroll please, well if you can get yourself to stop drooling. I mean I don’t blame you, this is fantastic! Now back to the drumroll….tomato, pesto with balsamic drizzle, grain-free, paleo, flatbread. Oh yes! I did it, and it is such a good, good thing. Perfect for football season. You could take flatbread to your tailgate, party or just eat it in the privacy of your own home without sharing. Gosh, we are so bad at sharing. Things we need to work on.
You could make this a thousand different ways, that’s why we got the hashtag going on, so you can hashtag your favorite flatbread. Speaking of hashtag, my baby girl or my almost four year old going on fourteen (of course) started back up at preschool. This is her second year and probably her favorite thing ever #preschoollove. She loves school, like absolutely loves it. Which is fantastic being a parent. We are soaking it in knowing that someday school may be more of a fight. I’ll take it right now.
I did the good ol’ interview that some genius people thought up and put on pinterest. Oh pinterest, full of so many wonderful ideas. So I interviewed her and we made up this pretty fantastic sign –>insert sarcasm<– It serves the purpose mkay? And just for the record, I took this picture a week after the actual first day of preschool because I forgot/didn’t have time to make it during the first week. –>mom of the year<– And yes, she takes those caterpillars everywhere. They are her new pets, even cleaning their “house” last night via request from her mom, who secretly can’t stand to watch any animal suffer even bugs. –>embarrasing<–
But seriously, how cute does she look with that bug jar. I just want to eat her up. And someone please tell me how they get so big so fast?!?
Now before I lose it and tear up on ya’ll lets get back to this Tomato Pesto Flatbread. The crispy crust with the delicious flatbread, garden tomatoes and balsamic –>I can’t stop<– is everything a pizza lover needs. Well, unless you are a meat-lovers pizza kind of person, then you probably need meat. So hashtag it, would ya? But this is crazy good with bold flavor and yet comforting all at the same time. It makes football watching so much better.
A thousand ways I tell you, you really can’t go wrong with this flatbread base. So good, my kids can’t keep their paws off while I’m taking pictures. Check out instagram to see what shenanigans go down after I wrestle them to keep them out of it while I try to snap a few pictures.
Now go make a flatbread and don’t forget to hashtag it with #flatbreadfriday so I can drool over all of your creations. Nom Nom!
- 1 Grain Free Flatbread - Find Recipe Here
- 1 tsp dried oregano
- ½ tsp dried basil
- ¼ tsp Garlic
- 2-3 Tbsp Pesto
- 1 tomato sliced
- 1 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
- 2 Tbsp Fresh basil, chopped
- ¼ Cup Parmesan cheese (optional)
- Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
- Mix dry ingredients from flatbread recipe in a bowl, adding oregano, basil and garlic.
- Follow remaining steps from flatbread recipe.
- Add additional toppings by spreading pesto over flatbread when warm.
- Add sliced tomatoes, fresh basil and parmesan cheese (optional).
- Drizzle with Balsamic Vinegar prior to serving.