Does our physical appearance tell us anything about what we should eat, how we should exercise and live? That’s what we’re uncovering today. Specifically what your body type tells you about what to eat and the concept of individual design.
Each body is different, we know that, and we can see that yet we still like to slap the same standards on a billion different bodies. The real truth is, one system will never work for everyone.
So what does work and how do you lose weight?
That’s the question we dive into today on the podcast as I interview Megan Dalhman who will answer questions on individual design, somatotypes {or what your physical appearance could mean biologically} and the hierarchy of fat loss.
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what’s your body type?
On the podcast, we talk in depth into somatotyping. The concept of somatotypes has been around since the 1940’s where William Sheldon, Ph.D., MD introduced the concept of three different body types; the endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph. While we know that no two bodies are exactly alike, what Dr. Sheldon did was try to place people into three classifications to get a better idea of how the foundation could be running.
Over the years, somatotyping has given people a better idea of how to take care of their specific body. And not only just with diet and exercise but some consider somatotyping to give insight into our mental and emotional makeup as well.
Dr. Sheldon used data to create these types based on the idea that we’re all born with a specific body “type” and that body type can be used as an indicator of our innate temperament and moral character.
The question becomes, could knowing your somatotype be helpful in tailoring a fitness and nutrition endeavour?
what type are you?
There are three different somatotypes and some combination of the three that nearly every human could fall into. They also give insight into how you should eat, exercise and in some cases even uncover how you should live. Today we’re going to break down each somatotype and give potential ways to work with your type.
1. Ectomorphs
This type tends to be the long and lean individual with little body fat and little muscle. They often have a hard time gaining weight and muscle with a slender frame, narrow shoulders and hips and a smaller bone structure. Most would say they have the fastest metabolism.
Nutrition is essential for ectomorphs. They should focus on increasing their carbohydrate count using starchy fruits and vegetables. While also focusing on healthy protein sources.
2. Mesomorphs
Mesomorphs tend to be the athletic, solid and strong, the medium build. They’re not overweight and not underweight but lie somewhere right in the middle with a relatively lean and hard body.
They tend to be able to eat what they want without worrying too much about it. Plus, they can both gain and lose weight without too much effort. If you’re a mesomorph, focus on moderate levels of carbs and a moderate amount of calories.
3. Endomorphs
Endomorphs tend to be the other end of the spectrum. They can gain both muscle and fat easily but struggle to lose it. Endomorphs typically have a bulkier physique and often round body with wide hips and possibly shoulders. They also tend to have the slowest metabolism.
With this type of body, you are more like to gain fat and muscle mass but have difficulty losing it. Because of this, endomorphs should opt for a lower carbohydrate intake and increase the protein and healthy fats in their diet.
a combination
Of course, you could be a combination of a couple of them. But knowing the basics and where you stand helps you to understand the different strategies you could implement and adjust in your own life.
Remember, no one’s body type is immune to a poor diet and lifestyle. It’s important that no matter what your somatotype is, you work on feeling healthier.
Listen to the podcast to get all of the details on what type you are and what exercise burns the most fat. Click above to listen!
Now, the question becomes, which type are you?
resources from the show
- Megan Dahlman – Strong Mammas
- Instagram – Strong Mammas
- Foam Rolling Video
- The Female Body Breakthrough
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