It’s a little bit late to say, but “Merry Christmas” to you and your family! I have a hundred and one excuses as to why our Christmas greetings are getting to you late but I’ve vowed not to be an excuse person and just own the fact that I’m running a little behind lately and combine that with a few days off (which were much needed I may add) I’m finally getting you our family Christmas card.
But before we get to that you get the out takes of taking said picture. While shooting this I’m reminded of a few things:
- Don’t procrastinate – Christmas Eve Photoshoots are little stressful which also leads into reason number 2…
- When you procrastinate your go-to photographer is busy. I mean she is the shining star behind all of our family photos and my personal pics you see on the blog (if you live in the area, she is a rock star ->CHECK HER OUT HERE<-).
- I’m reminded again that the only thing professional about me taking a picture is the camera, not me which leads me to the next reason…
- I only take pictures of stationary objects, no people images. They do not move, complain, throw fits or not cooperate. Food is at my ultimate control and thus why….
- I should never take pictures of my children. Suzanne (said beloved photographer) is this rock star behind the camera that seems to be able to make everyone laugh on demand. Me on the other hand, I become some kind of momzilla that gets stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed by the chaos that is happening.
You get the idea, I’ve learned my lesson and now we have 249 out take photos and one decent one. Now I won’t give you all the out takes but I’ll just give you a few as well as some commentary so you can understand the chaos it took to get that one decent picture.
P.S. The secret, there were three adults helping to get this thing done, one for each of the non-furry kids. You would have thought that we could have captured more than one with everyone looking….#stilldreaming
And so it begins on a beautiful Christmas Eve after, the snow begins to fall in the most beautiful large fluffy snow flakes ever. It is time, the most wonderful time to take a photo. I set off to gather clothes, which I must say everyone and I mean everyone has an opinion about what is worn so I just brush it off and go with it. The middle child has the youngest’s vest on, the youngest has my hat on and thus why it is constantly over her face and the oldest she is just going with it as long as she has her goat.
I set up the sled and hang a wreath, we grab the goats and let the session begin.
First picture, not too shabby, they are all standing where they need to be with one minor distraction, that beautiful red {fake} berry wreath looks like a good snack to Sage our goat. Of course, of course.
Take two, Sage is still eating the berry wreath and now Dill (the black goat) has decided to nibble on our youngest’s hat. Of course she picked her of all of them, the spunkiest of all who is always on the defense and ready to fight back to anything that bothers her. This is true third child problems. You can see the look of annoyance on her face and the hand begins to go up to smack the poor thing in her face. I can only imagine our second child is standing as she should in the same exact place with the same exact smile as the first picture. We’re trying.
Told you that third one was spunky, she’s taking things into her own hands, staring Dill right in the eyes with the look of, “you think you’re going to mess with me, huh.” She’s a tough one I tell you. All while we now have two of our children smiling while our youngest is still dealing with her attitude.
Don’t worry, Dill isn’t intimidated and to make matters worse she thought a kiss would help. If this were a video you could hear our youngest screaming at the top of her lungs, “NO, NO, NO!” Followed by a large scream. No one is phased, not even the goats.
The two oldest are still smiling, Dill is now looking, Sage has pretty much destroyed the wreath and our youngest looks content thinking she has won the battle between toddler and goat. We’ll let her think that.
With a position change by the oldest, the wreath is no longer a distraction. Our middle is still standing in the same position with a smile and the youngest has gone on to defeat the goat, once again….
Whoops more wreath eating of course during the first picture the youngest is looking. SIGH As the hubs is beginning to stress over the situation and the looks of really, do we have to be doing this are flying.
We’re getting close, although no we’re catching snow flakes on our tongues and fighting over who gets to hold the lead rope. Never a dull moment. The youngest thinks she is the boss. #someonehelpus
But no luck, so we take one goat out hoping that with just one (the lazy one) and three kids we can definitely get a picture…right…right?
We’re so close. The problem, the girls are scratching her back with makes her head contort in awkward ways making the picture look awkward like they are torturing her or something. Trust me folks, this goat loves a good scratch and it makes her do crazy things. Obviously awkward…
We get them to stop scratching her back just in time for great smiles and for the youngest to want to do a tooth check (not that we ever do this) but seriously, she is fascinated by everything and pretty much like a dog who sees a squirrel. Seventeen months and a heck of a lot of work. Life gets easier, right? I mean the oldest has pretty much stood in the same place, with the same smile plastered on her face for a good 30 minutes now… just waiting and waiting and waiting. But while we switch things up one last time, the impatience of the oldest and the goats grows I decide to capture a few photos of each of them.
This five-year old, she melts my heart. That smile, her fun-loving personality, the way she cares for her sisters and every living thing it makes me want to be a better person. There are big things planned for this little one. Seriously, though this girl and her goat ->INSERT ALL THE HEART EYE EMOJIS<-
This nearly three-year old has come a long way this year. I’ll talk more about her healing process in a later post and the radical transformation we saw this year (partly do to those lovely goats) but seriously, that smile, the belly laugh and her love for life is everything. Even with goat kisses in the middle. (Sorry for all those non-animal lovers who are cringing at this. It’s country life.)
This one… well her look sums her up. There are no words, you are loved and bigger than life. While being the youngest is a tough job you take care of business and you are darn good at your job (annoying and pestering all of her siblings). I love the feisty, out-going, bigger than life, spunky personality…most days.
Which brings me to the winner. Our Christmas card wishing you the happiest of Holidays full of memories, good food, laughter and a love for the one true King. Seriously, it brings me all the warm feelings knowing how much you care about us all and we can’t wait to give back to you in BIG, BIG ways this coming year! May your Holidays be bright and may you find joy in all things, even if your Christmas card shoot went the exact same way ours did.
While not everything goes as planned, or better yet, if it seems like nothing goes as planned I encourage you to still find joy through it all. This is life so cheers to a New Year!