Weight loss, promotions, marathons, becoming debt free, having a life plan are all goals, dreams and hopes that many of us wish to accomplish. But do you feel like you always end up back at square one? In this post, we talk about how to get rid of what’s holding you back.
Photo Cred | @tiffrizer
Weight loss is a common goal of what seems like nearly a billion people. Everywhere you turn there is a new diet plan or strategy promising to help you lost 40 pounds. But where does that leave you?
If you did lose it, would you really be any happier?
Could you keep it off?
Would you be fulfilled?
Those are deep questions but ones you should ponder. Because the last thing you want to see happen is to end up right back at square one. So how do you get rid of what’s holding you back and step into joy, happiness, and health?
That’s what we’re talking about today on the podcast with my guest Carlos Whittaker. He recently released the book Kill The Spider: Getting Rid of What’s Really Holding You Back and it is SO good!
Inside the podcast we talk about:
- His experience with anxiety.
- The life-changing thought his dad asked him.
- Why you should stop clearing the cobwebs in your life and get to the root of the problem and kill the spider.
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what’s holding you back?
Do you ever feel like your life has a spring between you and your dreams? As you run towards what it is you’re after you constantly feel the push in the other direction and before long you’ve completely sprung flat on your back. You end up worse than when you started wondering how in the world you’ll ever get to your destination?
Or is this just me?
I’m going to assume we’ve all been here at some point.
Working, trying, staying busy, doing all the right things but without any real progress.
You want it, you see the change, you might even taste it but you just can’t quite reach it. The question is why?
I think we forget to ask this question too often. Living in a world telling us to suppress our feelings, our thoughts and our past. But if we’ve learned one thing about lasting change and creating the fundamental mindset shift then we know, that our emotions are the driving force in change.
your emotions change everything
Yes, it’s your emotional attachment to what it is that you want that changes the game and helps to actually achieve it. We are driven by emotions.
If you’ve listened to the other episodes in this mindset series {episode 1, 2, and 3} then you know that your emotions aren’t just a thing, but things that influence every other thing in your body.
Your emotions create biochemical and biological changes in your body that shift it into the appropriate action. That’s why I always say we have to start working with our body instead of against it.
This means we have to uncover the spider that is holding captive our emotions.
uncover your spider
Inside Kill The Spider, you will find all the steps needed to learn the process of uncovering your spider and how to kill it. To get rid of what’s holding you back for good. It’s a must read so grab it here.
But here I wanted to share one big takeaway that has helped me to discover my own spiders {yes, I definitely have more than one spider in my life}.
personal takeaway
It’s okay to question your beliefs.
In fact, it could be the healthiest thing you do.
Truth be told, I have held onto a lot of beliefs others told me throughout my life. Some good, things I really do believe in and some not so good. But that’s life, a constant series of people telling you what to believe in.
As I mentioned, this isn’t all bad but what is harmful is not understanding what you actually believe. Not making your beliefs your own and fully supporting what it is you do believe.
The worst thing is not knowing who you are and what you stand for.
For most of us, myself included, I had never gone on a journey of knowing who I was, to whom I belong and what I believe. I had no idea other than what I thought I believed which left me questioned if I believed any of it at all.
It left me emotionless and driven to create change through goals.
What I now know, this isn’t change inducing at all. In fact, it’s the opposite and possibly the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing day and in and day out and expecting different results.
the journey
One of the best things I did for myself and I encourage you to do is to write up everything you think you believe and then journey through understanding if you really do.
I know it’s a scary process.
It’s hard to unlearn what has been so ingrained in you. But once you do you’ll open up to seeing belief in a new way that you actually own. Creating the positive emotion to back it up.
For me, this journey meant traveling through my beliefs about my gifts, my personality, my health beliefs, spiritual beliefs, family beliefs, relationship beliefs, etc.
I dug it all up to try to get to the spider who was creating nasty anxiety producing cobwebs. Cobwebs that told me I’ll never amount to anything. That I’m a disappointment, I provide nothing and what I’m teaching myself and others is all wrong.
That spider was full of the lies that I believed every day because I didn’t really know what I believed at all.
It may sound like I’m talking in circles, and maybe I am. But all of this to say is the healthiest thing you should do for yourself is not being afraid to ask and keep asking yourself what do you really believe. To kill those spiders once and for all!
Remember, in true belief comes the emotion to create lasting change.
Don’t forget to grab Carlos book, Kill The Spider. It shows his own transformational journey of finding his own journey, dealing with anxiety and how you can finally kill that spider holding you back.
I’m not lying when I say this is the best and most transformational book I’ve ever read – next to the Bible of course.
You can learn more about him over at his website and make sure and follow him on Instagram {you won’t regret that decision}.
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