Nothing exists outside of our mind, body, and soul. It’s who we are as living creatures and what drives us into action. Unfortunately, we can lose sight of one or more of these categories causing friction in our lives. Learn how to connect your mind, body, and soul into harmony.
Mind, body, and soul, they’re all important, but the greatest of these is our soul. Our spiritual life is the highest embodiment of your body and is the place where true healing comes from. However, for most of us, we’ve put most of our focus on healing and health into our body.
While there is nothing wrong with that, focus on that alone creates a false sense of hope. Of course, this is somewhat confusing given that most of the visual change is going to appear from our body but we have to remember putting 99% of our focus into that isn’t going to stand, at least not long term.
True health comes from the harmony of the mind, body, and soul working together. The harmony that these three create together creating lasting health, joy, and peace.
In this podcast, you’ll learn the importance of the mind, body, and soul connection from expert Nicole Unice. Nicole is an author, Bible teacher, counselor, and former health advocate. She is the perfect person to help connect the dots of all three.
searching and longing
For many of us, health is a longing for something more. Of course, I think we all long to feel good, but many times we’re looking for a feeling a satisfaction. We’re looking for approval in our looks, for confidence in a size and happiness in a number. We’ve been told that health equates to all the feelings we’ve been searching for.
Unfortunately, when you “arrive” or if you “arrive” you’ll quickly learn that health, as culture defines it, doesn’t satisfy what you’ve been searching for. That’s because it was never the intended purpose of health.
Health was never meant to be something we lived for, hoped for or found joy and acknowledgment in. No, health was designed as a means to live with a higher purpose. And it’s only in that greater purpose, in getting outside of ourselves that we can find true health and happiness.
As Nicole states, “Something much more powerful than my desire to be healthy has to be at work in my spirit.”
meaning machines
We’re all meaning machines – we were designed for meaning, and that’s why we seek it in the interpretations of our lives. We interpret our lives through the memories and experiences we’ve had, and this is what we allow to shape the story we tell ourselves.
This is how we decide about religion.
This is how we decide what life’s meaning is.
The problem is, we are very subjective beings. We allow ourselves to be shaped so powerfully by life experiences and our minds work so hard to complete stories that the thoughts we have may not be accurate based on what life can hold.
So the question becomes, are we holding ourselves back by telling ourselves the wrong stories, believing untruthful thoughts and holding fast to just our bodies?
We have to remember that healing doesn’t happen inside of ourselves but in looking outside. Broken people can’t fix broken people. We have to start looking at the only thing that can, and that’s our belief, our spirituality, and the health of our soul.
Because it’s our soul that creates the heart change, changing our mind which equates to body change. Not the other way around.
questions to ask
So maybe, rather than just another set of rules, we need to uncover the real meaning about why we are where we are. To ask ourselves the hard questions, dig up our roots, and lay a new foundation. Here are some questions that Nicole posed in the podcast to help you get started.
- Where are you finding meaning outside of yourself?
- What are you gaining by not changing?
- What is working for you that you are afraid to lose if you do change?
- How did you get here?
- What is making you start now, what is your why?
- Are you willing to be alone?
Take some time to ask yourself these questions. Better yet, write out your answers and dig in deep. I think sometimes we want to change, but we have no idea where we are, and how we got here. This makes any plans we have faulty. Remember, the first step is always awareness. The second is a plan. Start taking action today.
Make sure you head over to Nicole’s website and learn more about her fantastic work. Nicole has published numerous books that you must check out. Here is a list of places where you can learn about Nicole and her books:
- Website
- The Struggle is Real: Getting Better at Life, Stronger in Faith and Free from the Stuff Keeping You Stuck
- Brave Enough: Getting Over Our Fears, Flaws, and Failures to Live Bold and Free
- She’s Got Issues
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