“For you are fearfully and wonderfully made.”
She’s here! Auden Faith made her grand appearance into the world on Tuesday July 15th at 12:01 pm, weighing in at 6 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long she looks just like her daddy and is everything we could have ever dreamed! After two difficult births with our first girls (3-1/2 and 1-1/2) the third was an amazing experience (as amazing as labor can be). I never dreamed that I could actually have something good to say about the birthing process between being on bed-rest in pre-term labor and a lengthy NICU stay with our first daughter to a last second C-section with the second, the third was only something I had dreamed about.
I can now official understand when women say “you forget about the pain.” Before I would have told you any women who said that was out of their minds! There must be something about getting to hold your baby after birth that takes most (not all) of the painful memories away and makes it all worth it. This was the first time out of the three that I have ever gotten to hold my baby after delivery and it was the greatest experience!
Now, after a few days in the hospital, we are home and adjusting to being out-numbered and trying to get as much sleep as we can. The older girls are adjusting as well. I think we have gone through every stage of grieving and today I can officially say they are doing remarkably well with the change. They can’t get enough of this sweet baby girl and I’m sure there will be lots of stories in the coming posts about life with these three girls.
Just for the record, since I got a lot of questions about it… I did not write my last post a day after giving birth. It was scheduled ahead of time with the uncertainty of when she was actually going to come. I have been enjoying her since birth but I do plan to be back in action with a few recipes this week that were previously scheduled. Stay posted for more!