The best way to get healthy is to make it a part of your life. The easiest way to do this is by creating a wellness program that works for you. Get all the info on how to create a wellness routine right here.
Wellness is pretty trendy. I’m not going to lie, you may occasionally find me looking through the different trending hashtags related to wellness. It’s a new movement, a new day and one that health experts have been dreaming about.
But more than bath bombs with rose petals floating in the water or the perfect morning routine, a wellness routine has to be realistic. Not that there is anything wrong with creating a full spa right at home, but for most of us, that seems too out of reach to even try.
A wellness routine is something that fits you, works for you and a lifestyle that you desire to do. It’s more than just self-care, although that’s a big part of it. A wellness routine involves every aspect of your day and works to transform it into a life that is naturally healthy.
It makes health something you do rather than live for. It makes it easy in some ways.
Today on the podcast I share how you can create your own wellness routine, of course why you should the two most critical elements that will make it stick. Make sure you grab this free download that will help you create your wellness routine below.
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Wellness looks like a lot of different things, but I like to see it through the scope of your entire life. To zoom out on who you are, what you do, who you hang out with and even get specific with what you and how you move. It’s the scope of how you nourish your body.
We all have a routine, that is the way we live our lives and go about our day. I don’t know how healthy that is but I assume if you’re here you want to up that game. To get healthy or healthier and create a wellness routine and entire life-scape that is nourishing.
If you don’t know where to start, here are five ideas for changing your routine making it more nourishing. If you want to do this well – to make it you – and get it to stick, make sure you download my free guide to creating your wellness routine here.
1. Focus on movement – not exercise
What’s the difference, well really not much other than a mindset shift. In the effort to work with your mind, I believe it is easier to focus on movement – steps maybe – rather than duration and intensity. While those things do matter, in some forms and you can undoubtedly see results they can also create self-sabotage.
What’s most important is that you move. Find something you like to do, you enjoy doing and add it to your daily schedule. Remember if you don’t love it, you won’t do it for long. Maybe it means a hike with your dog through the woods rather than that kickboxing class. Or maybe people fill you up, and you love a hardcore workout, then get back to the kickboxing class. For me this looks like run/walking rather than straight walking – it’s all about the mindset.
2. Add more plants to your diet
Think about adding in the good; this mentality helps overcome that restriction mindset. Rather than looking at your plate and questioning what you should get rid of, ask yourself what could you add in? Think veggies. Could you turn that taco into a taco salad or that tortilla into a lettuce wrap?
Could you swap out your oatmeal for a warm breakfast hash? Don’t stress over it but do be aware of the places and gaps in your diet where you could add something in. Here are some of my favorite veggie-based recipes:
3. Focus on slowing down
Slowing down is hard, maybe the hardest thing. There’s so much to do you’re already short on time. Trust me; this is the hardest one for me as well. But simple boundaries on when to work and when to rest can be one of the best things you do for your health.
Plan out your day, look at your schedule and put a hard stop to your work. Then invest what time you have left in your family and taking time to refill your cup. Research is finding you’re more productive when you add in more rest time, rather than pushing yourself around the clock.
4. Switch your Beauty Products
Switching the products you use in your house could be the most straightforward trend to catch on to. One that doesn’t require anything but a change in brand. It’s the same product but with a safer formula. It may seem silly and insignificant, but these added chemicals are taking a toll on our bodies and our energy level. Slowly as you need new products to make the switch, even digging into household cleaners, soaps or anything else you come in contact with.
5. Practice gratitude daily
It’s registered as one of the highest health frequencies we have, and yet it’s such a simple practice. Even if it seems too simple to be true, just jotting down a few things you are thankful for can change your brain chemistry, your hormones and help you sleep deeper.
It’s a great practice to get yourself into creating a routine centered on gratitude. Grab a journal, keep it by your bed and commit to writing in it every night before bed. So easy and yet so effective.
know this!
A wellness routine is much more than just individual acts of self-care. It’s focusing on your life as a whole, zooming out and filling your life with wellness but in an intentional way. It’s a means to reduce your stress by increasing your health and helping you to live with more freedom.
Remember, this is all about what works for you. You don’t have to focus on all the areas described above; you can take this framework and use it to create something that works for you and your life, always being willing to transform it with the changing of the seasons.
Make sure you download this guide to help you do just that.
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