How would you rate your relationship with wellness – wellness being anything in the health, nutrition and mindset space? Is it healthy, vibrant, nourishing, thriving or do you feel like your grasping for straws questioning if anything will ever work and hating the very thing giving you life?
Maybe you’re somewhere in the middle – trying to walk towards a healthy and positive relationship but still getting tripped up in the confusion of wellness.
Today on the podcast, I want to take a deep dive into this subject, challenge our current view of wellness and put some practices into place that will rekindle that flame.
In this episode of Simple Roots Radio we will be diving into what wellness is, the repeated cycles we find ourselves in and five ways to restore your relationship with wellness.
Remember, it’s okay not to be okay, but it’s not okay to stay that way.
Don’t forget to download my free guide to go along with the summer mindset series called – The Joy Experiment. Get it Below!
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will it ever be enough
In this episode, I interviewed Whitney Leone about her walk with disordered eating and a wrong view of wellness. As I was talking with her and leading up to that interview, I started to stumble around with this idea that selling “weight loss” and packaging health up into a simple 5-step program was only committing the idea that where you are isn’t enough.
I think that’s where many of us fall – into the trap that we must chase health and wellness. That health is found in a specific size or number, and that body sizes and proportions are either good or bad. Now I’m certainly not saying that we’re all healthy in some way, I always think there is growth to be had, in all of us, but what I am challenging is this idea that where we are isn’t enough.
In this mindset, I think we risk running the vicious cycle that involves a chase to be better which equates to the thinking that we’ll be more accepted, more loved, more acknowledged, more {fill in the blank} at a specific size.
But this isn’t wellness at all. This is a frantic search to fulfill a void.
A void that was never meant to be fulfilled in shape or size or number.
it sells
But doesn’t that philosophy sell – mostly because we all want to be loved and accepted. The diet industry has capitalized on the notion that you, right now, where ever you are, is not enough. That happiness and joy and freedom are found at the other side of the pretty rainbow they’ve depicted
But I’m saying enough.
Chasing health and wellness may appear like the answer, but that’s the hook that they’ve cast, catching you into the fury of living for health rather than with it. And that’s the difference, that’s the mindset shift I challenge you to question.
- Are you enough right now, why or why not?
- And will health and wellness fill that void for you?
- Will it provide what you’re searching for?
Defining Wellness
I think it’s time to go back to the drawing board and identify what wellness is. Because I can assure you it’s not the various diets I’ve spent years researching. The endless workouts I put myself through in hopes of change and the hundreds of clients I’ve counseled all longing and searching for a feeling that health and wellness were never meant to provide.
So what is the definition of wellness?
Webster’s dictionary defines wellness as:
“The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.”
The World Health Organization defines wellness as:
“A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity.”
The National Wellness Institute defines wellness as:
“A conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential.”
All three are close but maybe even most powerful if we combine them all into one – defining wellness as:
“An active process of becoming aware of and making choics toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It’s more than being free from illness, but instead it is a dynamic process of change and growth.”
Wellness is the growth mindset coupled with discipline viewed to provided freedom. Wellness is knowing that we are people designed to live with health rather than for it for a higher purpose.
my hope
My hope in the process of uncovering true health is that we could come to a place of lasting health and wellness. To end the chase and the pursuit of a feeling and step into the freedom that comes from knowing and accepting who you are is enough and choosing to grow as a means of personal desire.
To live healthier not for the sake of an image but the sake of your purpose.
And most importantly to live life, wherever you are, right now, not waiting for the right time or a specific size of jeans. And to focus less on how you look and more on what you bring to the table.
Health isn’t difficult it was born inside of us. The problematic thing is escaping the pressures of the world long enough to recognize who you are. Then living in tuned and aware of what fuels and nourishing you from the inside out and doing more of that.
Five ways to heal
Don’t forget to check out the five ways to improve your relationship with wellness over on the podcast.
It’s the practical nitty-gritty to start breaking this down into everyday change that will snowball into a life of health and wellness.
Remember friend, you are enough.
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