Looking to improve memory, concentration and eliminate brain fog? Stop eating these six foods for better brain health with Dr. Steven Masley.
Our brains really are an incredible organ, maybe the most incredible. It is the home of the central nervous system that runs our body, keeps our heart beating without thinking, our body temperature regulated without worry and communicates nearly every other function running in our body.
Yes, our brains should be touted as the organ to care for the most and yet very few actually give the brain the credit it deserves. In this blog, I’ll share six foods that are hurting your brain health and what to replace them with.
But you’ll also want to listen to the latest episode of Simple Roots Radio where Dr. Steven Masley helps us understand our brain and the preventative measures we can take to keep our minds sharp, focused and strong.
Listen below to get insights on preventing and even healing from brain conditions such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, brain fog and even mental illness.
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the brain
While the adult brain weighs roughly only three pounds it is responsible for 20-25% of your metabolic energy expenditure. That’s right, your brain is responsible for burning 20-25% of your daily calorie intake. Which is pretty incredible considering it is only a fraction of the size of the human body in weight.
There are three main parts of the brain. These include; the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem. The cerebrum is the majority of your brain mass. It is involved in problem solving, memory, thinking and feeling. It also controls movement. The cerebellum sits at the back of your head, under the cerebrum, controlling coordination and balance. Finally, the brain stem connects the brain to the spinal cord controlling automatic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure.
caring for our brain
Our brain and the central nervous system are like the hard drive of the body. Without it working and working well our body suffers. That is why it is critical to health, life, and longevity to take extra care of our body and foster it.
Just like all areas of our body, our brain health is influenced by; nutritional needs {supplementation and food}, exercise and movement, stress level, relationships, and our mindset. It’s all having an impact for good or for bad. It’s our job to diminish what is harming it and increase what is benefiting it.
six foods to avoid
As Dr. Masley quotes inside the podcast, “Likely the most important factor that impacts whether your brain is functioning optimally, or declining and shrinking, is the food you choose to eat every day.” It becomes incredibly important to choose brain-rich and nourishing foods and try to avoid those that are harmful.
Here’s Dr. Masley’s list of six potentially harmful foods to our brain. I’ve included what to eat instead because we can’t just eliminate without replacing!
#1 sugar and grain flour
The number one cause of cognitive decline and memory loss is abnormal blood sugar control, known as insulin resistance. Of course, our sugar intake is the defining factor in insulin control inside our body. This makes it critical to avoid or greatly limit all sugar including grain flour which converts to sugar inside the body.
#2 trans fat
Inside the podcast, Dr. Masley refers to these as “embalming fluid” because they are killing you from the inside out. These fats have been shown to worsen cholesterol profiles, increase blood sugar levels, decrease brain function, create sticky stiff cells and increase your risk for cancer.
They are most often found in processed foods and deep-fried food in restaurants. On a food label, it will be referred to as “partially hydrogenated fats.” If you see it, put it back and move on to something more sustaining and nourishing.
#3 foods preserved with nitrates
Nitrates are most often found in processed meats such as; hot dogs, sausage, pepperoni, ham and other lunch meats. Similar to the trans fats, these have been shown to increase insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver and Alzheimer’s disease as well as cancer.
Avoid conventionally processed meats and if you do choose to enjoy some bacon {like I do} then make sure you are sourcing it from a pasture and organically raised farm processed nitrosamine free.
#4 gluten
Gluten is a word we’ve all heard for many years. However, it’s something so many of us still fight. They estimate that a good majority of the population is actually very sensitive to gluten. Gluten has been found to increase inflammatory markers in the body which is obviously damaging to our primary organ, our brain.
#5 artificial sweeteners
There is a lot of controversies when we talk about artificial sweeteners. From harming our good gut bacteria to inducing an insulin response and even making you crave more sweet foods, it is best to avoid artificial sweeteners. Sweeteners such as Splenda, aspartame and even stevia {however some would argue stevia is safe in small quantities – this is why I don’t}
#6 high pesticide foods
Here we’re referring to the dirty dozen list. This is the list of 12 of the produce items containing the highest herbicide and pesticide content. Obviously, through research, there is great harm in consuming too many of these chemicals in our bodies including cancer, inflammation, backed up detox pathways and brain damage. Keep it simple and if it’s on the dirty dozen list, buy these foods organically. Find the full list of dirty dozen foods here.
what to eat instead
Like I mentioned, you can’t just take out and expect it to work. Make sure you are replacing these foods with healthy, brain enhancing nutrients your body needs. Here are some good options:
- Almond flour
- Coconut flour
- Grass-Fed Meats
- Coconut Oil
- Olive Oil
- Avocado Oil
- Nuts & Seeds
- Olives
- All vegetables
- Fruits
- Green tea
- Cocoa
- Omega-3 rich Seafood
take the quiz
As Dr. Masley mentions in the podcast you can find out your brain health is by taking his brain symptom quiz. Once you take it you can also download his shopping guide to his better brain solution.
If you’re looking for a challenge to start the new year, you can sign up for his 30-day Better Brain Solution Challenge.
Of course, if nothing else, make sure you grab a copy of his book and put your brain health back in your hands. You can find his book here.
Follow Dr. Masley on his website to learn more about brain health.
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