Today we uncover a lot of heated topics, from cellulite, bloating, cancer and detoxing we’re going to see how each of these is actually related into one intricate system that is often overlooked and under studied, the lymphatic system.
Each of these subjects are something we’re all affected by whether directly or indirectly.
Although the common thought is that detox diets don’t work, I may twist the tables and show you exactly why a detox diet could be exactly what your body needs to help fight off and reduce {or eliminate} cellulite, bloating, cancer and just help you feel better overall once you fully understand the function of the lymphatic system.
To listen to today’s show and learn 10 simple ways to get your lymphatic system revving today click play below. It’s an exciting show that will help answer a lot of your questions and shed some light on this confusing subject.
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For now, lets take a quick dive into the lymphatic system and why it matters to your health.
the culprit of cellulite, inflammation and cancer
Now I know that if you’re a human, then you probably have cellulite and are in the right place. If you’re a man, well count yourself blessed because it is much more difficult due to the aligning of your skin cells and ligaments to develop cellulite so you’re probably escaping it. Don’t worry, this subject is still for you. Check out this visual lesson on why more women get cellulite than men.
Today we’re uncovering the culprit of disease, bloating and why you just don’t feel well altogether.
We’re talking about the lymphatic system.
Our detox organ, our cleansing pump, home to our immune system and one of the most overlooked and yet critical systems inside our body.
what is it?
The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that work to get rid of toxins, harmful ingredients and dangerous cells {cancer} in the body. The lymph is a white-blood cell infection-fighting, clear and colorless fluid. Interestingly the lymph system spans twice the distance as the cardiovascular system yet it has no central pump.
This means you are required to move your own lymphatic fluid. Which is also the reason this system should be studied intently.
In this pumping you are removing waste from every single cell in the body, enhancing the immune system, oxygenating the cells and providing nutrients to the tissues it encounters. Basically removing toxic baggage and bringing life to all cells. Important right?
Without adequate movement, the lymph fluid can back up. This back up in the system creates a cascade of issues, stemming from annoying and minor to major complications, disease and even cancer. Think; cellulite, cysts, fat pockets, edema, muscle soreness, weakness, and even major diseases like cancer, autoimmunity and decreased immune response.
the detox way
While we know there is great controversy when we talk about detoxifying the body, we have to understand that the body does this naturally on a daily basis. Detoxifying is an essential part of health and one our body takes seriously. In fact, a kick start of your detoxification pathways, including your lymphatic system could be the reason you’re not seeing the results you want in your health and weight.
In order to see that the only way is the detox way, you have to move past what you’ve probably heard about detox diets. The common way meaning days spent on the toilet, starvation, tinctures, liquid fasts and way too many cayenne pepper and maple syrup tonics.
My friend, I can promise you detoxing doesn’t have to look like any of these things.
In fact, the true measure of detox is not to just purge your body from every ounce of fluid but to remove the toxic “clog” or burden on the body and help the lymphatic system to flow well. To allow your body to do the job that it was designed. Not to detox for your body but to give it the space and nutrients to do what it does best.
To remove the clog, the toxins, the junk and fill it with space, nutrients and oxygen to heal, rejuvenate and ultimately see lasting results.
the only way to lasting health
Without this critical system running smoothly you’ll never experience lasting health. No matter how many diets you try, how many calories you drink or don’t drink and how much you workout. None of this will matter if your lymphatic system is not in focus.
So essentially you have to focus on natural detoxification. Daily detoxification that is completed by your body. This means instead of focusing on how we can detox for our body, we need to focus on how we can cleanse our body.
Cleansing by getting rid of the bad and in with the good, reversing the negative effects with positive. Both internally, mentally and emotionally.
In doing this, I can assure you, you will experience guaranteed change. That guarantee I can back up because I’ve lived it and I’ve witnessed it. Not to mention this is also how your body works.
So stop dreading the detox and start making room for the detox by cleansing your life.
Don’t forget, in cleansing comes; lasting weight loss, more energy, vibrancy, clear skin, higher libido, normalize hormonal flow, increased immunity, reduced bloating, better bowel flow, decrease in cellulite and fat pockets and overall just feeling better.
Don’t we all want that?!? To feel vibrant and energized without the need for any artificial stimulants?
the simple detox
That is why I can’t stress enough the importance of cleansing your body. Not through another detox or quick fast, but the scientific way of cleansing. Through eliminating the bad and adding enough of the good. In doing this comes great change and lasting health.
This is why I’ve put together this free guide to fully support you in understanding how to cleanse your body based on real food, lifestyle changes and creating a life you enjoy. It’s not just another restrict, starve and liquid fast that most detox programs promote, rather it takes into account every area of natural detoxification.
It compiles it into one quick and simple solution that actually works and without any pain. A system your entire family can do.
My friend, detoxing doesn’t have to mean endless supplements and little food. Remember your body needs nutrients, it needs energy, it just needs it in the right way.
Click the button below to here to learn about how you can cleanse your body using only real food, focus on a healthier lifestyle and create habits that last in this free guide. It was created for you, and me, to dig up the root and establish a foundation that will last. It has changed my life and I know it will yours too.
I promise this is not your average detox.
5 changes to make today
While I believe a strict yearly cleanse is one of the most beneficial things we can do. I also wanted to show you a few other quick and simple ways to get your lymphatic system flowing. To be the pump and prevent the backup. In the podcast you can hear all 10 but for now let’s dig into five.
1) Drink warm lemon water every morning.
Given the lymphatic system is about 95% water and the number one time to clean your body is while you are sleeping, you can see the importance of water first thing in the morning. It flushes your system, helps eliminate overnight build up and provides the necessary fluid to perform all day long. The lemon provides the added benefit of alkalizing the fluid and mineralizing the body and the lymphatic system. {Learn more about why you should drink warm lemon water here.}
2) Work on your gut health.
In last weeks podcast we talked all about the gut. The effect the microbiome is having on your health and how to fix it. The link between the microbiome of your GI tract and natural detoxification is huge. {Learn the right ways to enhance your microbiome and why you should consider switching from a probiotic here.}
3) Dry brush your skin.
As we mentioned the lymphatic system has no central pump. The only way the lymphatic fluid moves is by your movement. This is where exercise and massage come into play. Two things which help your fluid to flow. However, is some cases, a few extra strategic moves can make a huge difference.
Using a dry brush can be just the ticket to move fluid, break up fat pockets and help you to reduce cellulite. To use a dry brush, make small circular motions up your legs toward your heart. Always circle up and never down. Dry brushes are inexpensive and yet highly effective. Here is one I recommend.
4) Go wireless.
We’re not talking about cell phones here, but that could also help. Rather we’re recommending you wear less restrictive clothing and try to avoid bras with wires that can restrict lymphatic flow. The same goes for tight pants and jeans cutting off flow at the waist area. Look for looser fitting clothes, waist bands and even wireless bras. If you can’t image a wire-less bra there is great technology coming out now. Check out this brand that I love.
5) Movement, exercise, vibration plates.
Anything that will stimulate muscle activity to move the lymphatic fluid is essential. Exercise is one of the greatest ways to do this. However, there are some better exercises than other. Not to mention some people need a little extra help moving their fluid due to an extremely backed up system, scarring or fluid pockets {that would be me}.
Some great ways to move the system are; yoga, inversion tables, rebounding on a small trampoline and even vibration plates.
In my own healing I can tell you that a vibration plate has been extremely beneficial. It is such a weird feeling to have your entire body shaking that quickly, but it makes me feel so good. Something that I am purchasing for home use. It only takes 5-10 minutes a day. This is the one I’m looking at.
this is critical
The bottom line is your lymphatic system is critical. Unfortunately it doesn’t get talked about often, but know there are 10 quick and simple things you can do every day to change the course of your health. These little things add up to big things overtime and hopefully in the end prevent sickness and disease. Not to mention take away some cellulite and fat pockets as a perk.
Make sure you listen to the podcast to learn more and get the additional five simple tips to move your fluid.
If nothing else, allow yourself to experience a true cleanse. Not just another detox hack, but a way, a path, a plan to heal your body using your own tools. The Simple Cleanse is exactly that. Realistic, timely, and freeing. To learn more and sign up for our upcoming launch click here. I can assure you, results lie just on the other side. Clear your lymphatic system and you will make room for lasting health, more energy and weight loss.
Insert all of the praise hands emojis. ????????????????????????